Axiom Terraform Provider lets you provision and manage Axiom resources (datasets, notifiers, monitors, and users) with Terraform. This means that you can programmatically create resources, access existing ones, and perform further infrastructure automation tasks.

Install the Axiom Terraform Provider from the Terraform Registry. To see the provider in action, check out the example.

This guide explains how to install the provider and perform some common procedures such as creating new resources and accessing existing ones. For the full API reference, see the documentation in the Terraform Registry.


Install the provider

To install the Axiom Terraform Provider from the Terraform Registry, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace {api_token} with the Axiom API token you have generated. For added security, store the API token in an environment variable.

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        axiom = {
          source  = "axiomhq/axiom"
    provider "axiom" {
      api_token = "{api_token}"
  2. In your terminal, go to the folder of your main Terraform configuration file, and then run the command terraform init.

Create new resources

Create dataset

To create a dataset in Axiom using the provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Customize the name and description fields.

resource "axiom_dataset" "test_dataset" {
  name = "test_dataset"
  description = "This is a test dataset created by Terraform."

Create notifier

To create a Slack notifier in Axiom using the provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace SLACK_URL with the webhook URL from your Slack instance. For more information on obtaining this URL, see the Slack documentation.

resource "axiom_notifier" "test_slack_notifier" {
  name = "test_slack_notifier"
  properties = {
    slack = {
      slack_url = "SLACK_URL"

To create a Discord notifier in Axiom using the provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration file.

  • Replace DISCORD_CHANNEL with the webhook URL from your Discord instance. For more information on obtaining this URL, see the Discord documentation.
  • Replace DISCORD_TOKEN with your Discord API token. For more information on obtaining this token, see the Discord documentation.
resource "axiom_notifier" "test_discord_notifier" {
  name = "test_discord_notifier"
  properties = {
    discord = {
      discord_channel = "DISCORD_CHANNEL"
      discord_token = "DISCORD_TOKEN"

To create an email notifier in Axiom using the provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace EMAIL1 and EMAIL2 with the email addresses you want to notify.

resource "axiom_notifier" "test_email_notifier" {
  name = "test_email_notifier"
  properties = {
    email= {
      emails = ["EMAIL1","EMAIL2"]

For more information on the types of notifier you can create, see the documentation in the Terraform Registry.

Create monitor

To create a monitor in Axiom using the provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration file and customize it:

resource "axiom_monitor" "test_monitor" {
  depends_on       = [axiom_dataset.test_dataset, axiom_notifier.test_slack_notifier]
  name             = "test_monitor"
  description      = "This is a test monitor created by Terraform."
  apl_query        = "['test_dataset'] | summarize count() by bin_auto(_time)"
  interval_minutes = 5
  operator         = "Above"
  range_minutes    = 5
  threshold        = 1
  notifier_ids = [
  alert_on_no_data = false
  notify_by_group  = false

This example creates a monitor using the dataset test_dataset and the notifier test_slack_notifier. These are resources you have created and accessed in the sections above.

  • Customize the name and the description fields.
  • In the apl_query field, specify the APL query for the monitor.

For more information on these fields, see the documentation in the Terraform Registry.

Create user

To create a user in Axiom using the provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Customize the name, email, and role fields.

resource "axiom_user" "test_user" {
  name  = "test_user"
  email = ""
  role  = "user"

Access existing resources

Access existing dataset

To access an existing dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the ID of the Axiom dataset by sending a GET request to the datasets endpoint of the Axiom API.

  2. Add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace DATASET_ID with the ID of the Axiom dataset.

    data "axiom_dataset" "test_dataset" {
      id = "DATASET_ID"

Access existing notifier

To access an existing notifier, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the ID of the Axiom notifier by sending a GET request to the notifiers endpoint of the Axiom API.

  2. Add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace NOTIFIER_ID with the ID of the Axiom notifier.

    data "axiom_dataset" "test_slack_notifier" {
      id = "NOTIFIER_ID"

Access existing monitor

To access an existing monitor, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the ID of the Axiom monitor by sending a GET request to the monitors endpoint of the Axiom API.

  2. Add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace MONITOR_ID with the ID of the Axiom monitor.

    data "axiom_monitor" "test_monitor" {
      id = "MONITOR_ID"

Access existing user

To access an existing user, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the ID of the Axiom user by sending a GET request to the users endpoint of the Axiom API.

  2. Add the following code to your Terraform configuration file. Replace USER_ID with the ID of the Axiom user.

    data "axiom_user" "test_user" {
      id = "USER_ID"